Worship Online



The First Sunday after Epiphany  

January 12, 2025

Dear People of Saint John’s,

This Sunday we celebrate the First Sunday after Epiphany, the Baptism of Our Lord, and we get to hear Deacon Paul preaching on the theme: “Prepare Ye the Way of the Lord!”  We will also be celebrating January birthdays; please come to bless and celebrate.

Looking ahead, we need volunteers for coffee hour and the Sunday School on February 2 and beyond. Please call the office to sign up, or put your name on the lists in the hallway.

Our Zoom study group on Walk in Love: Episcopal Beliefs and Practices got off to a great start this past Wednesday, with six people in attendance, including Therese Duvil signing in from Baltimore!  We will be reading about forty pages per week and finishing before Lent.  This week we will read the chapters on Baptism, and more books are available this Sunday at worship and in the office.  We will accept new members through January 22nd.

Choose a passage to write about for our Lenten Devotional, Uniquely John!  This is a great opportunity to engage with a passage of Scripture and share what you come up with.  This is our fourth year doing this, and it always builds faith and community.  More information is here on Saint John’s website.

Troy Area United Ministries (TAUM), founded by former Rector Seymour Flinn, will be sponsoring two events honoring the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.: an interfaith service on Sunday, January 19th at 4 pm at Bethel Baptist Church, and a MLK Breakfast at 8 am on Monday, January 20th at the Hilton Garden Inn in Troy.  More information can be found here on the TAUM website.

Pledge envelopes and 2025 ordo calendars are available in the Narthex.  We are providing the announcements in a separate stack from the bulletins. The announcements are also available online. For those of you who will be worshiping with us via live stream, be sure to let us know that you are there through the chat feature, so that we can greet you at the passing of the Peace.

The services and bulletins will be found below. Come join in worship!

With gratitude for our life together,

Mother Judith

Live Stream    Bulletin     Calendar & Announcements


January 12, 2025


Processional Hymn ~ Come Down, O Love Divine ~


Song of Praise

~ All Glory Be To God On High ~
verse 1

Sequence Hymn

~ Come, Holy Spirit, Heavenly Dove 
(verses 1 - 2 is sung before the Gospel reading, verses 4 - 5  following the reading)


The Offertory

~ O Love, How Deep, How Broad, How High ~

Doxology ~ Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow ~ 380
Sanctus ~ Holy, Holy, Holy Lord ~ S-125
Agnus Dei ~ Lamb of God ~ S-161
Post-Communion Hymn ~ Christ, When For Us You Were Baptized ~ 121
Recessional Hymn ~ We Know That Christ Is Raised And Dies No More ~ 296



What to Look For (to Send a Chat)

Once you are viewing the live stream by pressing the link above, there should be a "conversation" to the right of the stream (Top Chat). Like this:

Messages populate from the bottom of the box. You add your message by typing on the "Say something..." line and pressing Enter (or clicking/tapping on the right-pointed arrow under your message). Other messages that come in after yours will file in underneath yours in the running chat above the entry line.

If you're watching the live stream in full screen mode, you'll need to find the chat box. This might be found using the arrow at the bottom center of the screen under the red line. You'll have to click or tap on the screen to see this option, similar to when you want to pause or change the volume, etc.

See that little white down arrow/carat under the red line and Scroll for details? If you tap on that, the screen pulls up, and you see the chat box. You may need to scroll up further to see the "Say something" line.

 Sunday Liturgy will be available on YouTube after the conclusion of the 10 am service. 

For our YouTube Channel Videos click here ==> All streamed services

Click on the Subscribed button and then the Bell in the upper right hand corner of our channel to be notified of any new videos.

Here are other links that you may find helpful:


National Cathedral      

Livestreamed at 11:15 am 

Sunday  Worship 



Stations of the Cross