
Daily Office Readings; Year One Volume 2 







Three Sermons 1965

by Bradford H. Burnham

1. The Occasion of Fredrick B. Burnham's Ordination June 1965

2. What is It we Want? (Sermon Preached at St. John's Church, Troy - )14th Sunday After Trinity, 1965)

3. The Unbelievable is Believable (A Lenten Sermon)






God in Our Experience 

by Bradford H. Burnham


The Rev. Bradford H. Burnham has been a Priest of the Diocese of Albany for eighteen years.  During these years what might have become just another "downtown" parish, has become under his leadership a livelt Missionary Center, reaching out to sustain old work and to open new.  He has served on many important Diocesan committees, taught in our local Clergy Training Program and used even his vacations to strengthen the Church.  His Parish has had an important building program of its own during which he continued to support every Diocesan project.  His people have grown in Holiness in the understanding of their Faith, and in Christian Joy.  His leadership has demonstrated the Apostolic character of the Church and his Ministry the relationship of the Gospel to the every day situations of life.  This collection of sermons is something of a labor of love published at the request of his parishioners and friends.  It is my privilege to acknowledge how much he has contributed to the church and in this Diocese and to salute him on this occasion as a wise leader, a faithful Pastor and a valued friend.


Allen W. Brown

Bishop's Residence

April, 1962 

