
~ Reference ~

Author/Editor Title

Alexander, Pat

Eerdmans' Family Encyclopedia of the Bible


Gospel of John, The

Anon, Anon


Armentrout, Don S. 
Slocum, Robert Boak

Episcopal Dictionary of the Church, An

Bradner, John

Symbols of the Church Seasons & Days

Bugh, Robert

When the Bottom Drops Out

Crossan, John Dominic & Reed, Jonathon L.

Excavating Jesus: Beneath the Stones, Behind the Texts

Digest, Readers

Jesus and His Times

Doyle, Stephen

Pilgrims New Guide to the Holy Land, The

Dwyer, John C.

Short Dictionary of Some Key Theological Terms

Duncan, Alistair

Tiffany Windows

Gardens, Better Homes and

Christmas from the Heart

Grafton, Carol Belanger

Pictorial Archive of Printer's Ornaments

Green, Joel B.

Recovering the Scandal of the Cross

Gruen, Dietrich

Who's Who in the Bible

Hill, Jonathan

What has Christianity Ever Done for Us

Hoving, Thomas

King of the Confessors

Howard, Jr. Ph.D, David M,

Fascinating Bible Facts

Hulbert, James

Dictionary of Symbolism

Klein, Patricia S.

Worship Without Words

Kohlenberger III, John R.

Concise Concordance to the New revised Standard Version, The

Lang, J. Stephen

Biblical Quotations for all Occasions

Loffreda, Stanislao

Recovering Capharnaum

Losch, Richard R.

All the People in the Bible

Millard, Alan

Treasures from Bible Times


Great Religions of the World


Everyday Life in Bible Times


Dictionary of the Episcopal Church
Nelson, Gertrud Mueller
Clip-art for Feasts and Seasons
Nelson, Gertrud Mueller
Clip Art for Celebrations and Service

Noble, Perry
 Lesser Feasts & Fasts 2000
None, None
Zondervan Handbook to the Bible

None, None

Oxford Guide to the Book of Common Prayer

None, None
Interpreter's One-Volume Commentary on the Bible, The

None, None
Glory of the Old Testament, The

None, None

Episcopal Church Annual 2007, The

Pongracz, Patricia C.,
De RosaElizabeth
Parrott,  Lindsy R.
Diane C. Wright


Louis C. Tiffany and the Art of Devotion



Press, Catholic World

New World Dictionary Concordance to the New American Bible, The

Press, Oxford

Oxford Bible Atlas (3rd ed)

Rest, Friedrich

Our Christian Symbols

Schmidt, Clemens

Clip Art for the Liturgical Year

Society, American Bible

New Testament, The: Revised Standard Version

Taylor, Barbara Brown

Leaving Church

Tenney, Tommy

Mary's Prayers and Martha's Recipes

Trimiew, Anna

Bible Almanac

Tyndale House Publishers

NLT Chronological Life Application Study Bible

Warmus, William

The Essential: Louis Comfort Tiffany

Webster, Merriam

Merriam Webster Thesaurus, The

Webster, Merriam

Concise Edition Webster's New World Dictionary of the American Language

Webster, Merriam

Webster's Elementary Dictionary

White, James F.

Sacraments in the Protestant Practice and Faith, The


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