Jennifer Firth

Office Manager

Jennifer Firth

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Jennifer Firth comes to us after a career in financial administration.  Trained as an auditor, she holds a Masters Degree in Public Administration, and served as Director of Research Finance at RPI.  Formed in faith at the Stony Brook School on Long Island, Jennifer is a diocesan leader.  She has served as diocesan President of the Daughters of the King and was easily elected to represent the Metropolitan Deanery in the Profile and Search Committee for the new bishop.  Here at the parish, she has served on the Vestry and participated in many of Saint John’s ministries.  She has one son, Seth, whose family is also active in the parish.  She is an Anglophile and world traveler, and especially likes to haunt the sites where her favorite British TV shows were filmed in the UK.  Here in the states, she coordinates a pilgrimage to the Sight and Sound Theater in Lancaster, Pennsylvania each year.  We are so fortunate to have Jennifer with us on staff!