Catechesis of the Good Shepherd
St. John’s is excited to offer our children the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (GCS). The Catechesis of the Good Shepherd is rooted in the Bible, the liturgy, and Montessori methods. As this method was developed, children of various ages were presented with many elements of liturgy and scripture. The initiators of this method wanted to know how children experience and develop a relationship with God. What is the mystery of God that children most want to hear at various ages? What brings them joy, peace, and deep contentment? The responses of the children governed the development of this approach. As the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd spread, it became apparent that children around the world possess great spiritual capacities to know God, beginning with Jesus, the Good Shepherd, who knows his sheep, calls them by name, cares for them, gathers them together, and lays down his life for them. Given the right environment, the young child can fall in love with God, and the older child can know how the mystery of God meets the expanding world that is coming into the child’s view.
Saint John’s provides an “atrium,” a specially prepared environment for religious formation, containing beautiful materials introduced by the presenter and used by the children. These materials enable the children to understand, hands-on, various elements of Scripture—the parables, the life of Jesus, the history and geography of Israel, the moral life—and liturgy, especially the sacraments of the Eucharist and Baptism. These attractive, hand-finished materials are accessible for the children to choose from any time after they have received a presentation with them.
We offer the three levels of the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd:
Level 1 for children ages 3-6: Young children receive and enjoy the announcement of God’s love through Jesus, the Good Shepherd, who knows his sheep by name and keeps them safe.
Level II for children ages 6-9: The image of Jesus engages the elementary school child as the True Vine. This parable responds to the deep need of older children to better understand their relationship with God, family, friends, and community.
Level 3 for children ages 9-12: The older child explores the history of the Kingdom of God from creation to redemption to Parousia (The Second Coming of Jesus).
CGS Sunday Mornings 9:15 AM -11:15 AM
CGS Thursday After-School 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM
Dates to Remember
First Day of Atrium, Sunday** - September 22, 2024, 9:15 to 11:15 AM (Atrium)
Last Day of Atrium, Sunday, June 8, 2025
First Day of Atrium, Thursday** - September 26, 2024, 4:00 to 5:30 PM (Atrium)
Last Day of Atrium, Thursday, May 29, 2025
*The Atrium is located on the second floor of the parish house, which adjoins the Church.
**Our CGS program follows the Church's liturgical calendar. Please see St. John's Church calendar to learn more about the CGS schedule. For more details, contact our Children's Christian Education Director, Gaby Gastelum, at
Free for parishioners and Clergy families
Non-parishioner families***(all Christian Faiths are welcome)
- $50 One child per year
- $40 Two children each per year
- $35 Three or more children each per year
*** The money goes directly towards materials and supplies for the atrium. Financial assistance is available. No child will be excluded due to inability to pay.
Follow the link Register Here
Additional Information on CGS
CGS by Age A day in the Atrium Curriculum Children's Work Educator's Testimonial CGS USA
Beyond the Sheepfold for Teens and Youth
Calling children ages 8 to 17! " My Adventure in the Kingdom of God" Join us to find out while enjoying hot chocolate and donuts. After the program, you are invited to volunteer at the Thrift Store of the Food Pantry to deliver joy to our neighbors.
First Saturday of the Month
9:00 AM to 10:00 AM - Class
10:00 AM to 12:00 PM - Volunteer at the Food Pantry or Thrift Store (optional)
Saturday, February 1. What is the Kingdom of God?
Saturday, March 1. My "Blank Page"
Saturday, April 5. Unwrapping the Gifts
Free. All children ages 8-17 are welcome!
Children's Holy Eucharist
Monthly on the Third Sunday (mostly) at 10:00 AM
Children are invited to participate in the service as acolytes, readers, and altar servers and bring the gifts for the offertory. For more information, coordinate with Children's Christian Education Director Gaby Gastelum at
September 15 |Welcoming Sunday and CGS Open House
October 20
November 17
December 22 | Lessons and Carols with Children
January 19
March 16
April 20| Easter and Egg Hunt after the service
June 8| Pentecost and last day of Atrium
Family Events. Save the Date!
Saturday, October 12| 10 am |Blessing of the Animals in the Garden and Community Breakfast (9 am)
Saturday, November 30| 9:30 am | Advent Wreath Making Workshop and Hot Chocolate in the Gym
2025. All parishioners are welcome!
Tuesday, March 4 | 5:30 pm | Shrove Tuesday and Pancake Races
Sunday, April 20 | After 10 am service | Easter Egg Hunt in the Garden
Friday, May after Hidden Garden Tour | Scavenger Hunt in the Garden
Sunday, June 15| After 10 am service | Father Ice Cream Sundae Coffee Hour
Holy Eucharist Morning
We are inviting children and youth to a series of morning CGS meditations. Interested in registering your child? Please get in touch with Children's Christian Education Director Gaby Gastelum at for more information.
Preparation for Confirmation
We are inviting children to a series of morning CGS meditations. Interested in registering your child? Contact Children's Christian Education Director Gaby Gastelum at or call the office at 518.274.5884.
We need your help!
Children & Youth Ministries
would appreciate volunteers on a weekly rotation to observe in the atrium since two adults are required in the room to have classes. Sign up at the Children's Ministry Bulletin board in the hallway or contact Gaby Gastelum at
Other Collaboration Opportunities
Include making materials for the CGS presentations, providing food or snacks for special occasions, donating supplies, shopping for supplies, and having extra pairs of hands at family events.
Have you considered being trained in the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd?
Formation in this work is like a retreat, a time set apart to listen to the voice of the One who calls us each by name. For Many people trained in the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd, this is an opportunity to walk through one's childhood in the company of God, being renewed and remade.
Adult Level I Formation Course Part B July 12-19, 2025
For more information, don't hesitate to get in touch with Gaby Gastelum, Christian Education Director at St. John's, Troy, at
*NEW* Adult Level I Formation Course in New Paltz, NY, starts September 2025. Formation Leader Kate Jonietz. For registration, visit
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