Thy Kingdom Com

Thy Kingdom Come

Ascentiontide Eblasts

There are pop-up ads for these YouTube videos, some of which are more tasteful than others.  They can be skipped after a few seconds, please push through. I think the videos from the Church of England are worth the wait.

Day 1 - Ascension Day

Dear People of Saint Johns,

Today is the Feast of the Ascension and Day 1 of “Thy Kingdom Come” prayer initiative. Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby began this global, ecumenical prayer movement in 2016 and each year he invites Christians around the world to pray from Ascension Day to the Feast of Pentecost that more people come to know Jesus. For these eleven days, we pray that God’s Spirit might work in the lives of 5 people we know, so they might know His love for them.

In the first video today, we hear from Archbishop of York Stephen Cottrell as he explores ways we can pray for others. Watch it here. I look forward to dedicating some time these next 11 days to praying with intention in this way. You are invited to do the same.

With gratitude for our lives together,



Day 2 - The God Who Loves You

Dear People of Saint John’s,

Today’s theme is “The God Who Loves.” Tara Hanna, Director of Exodus Youth Worx UK/Coptic Orthodox Church UK, serving communities in London, shares her experiences “giving love and showing love.” You can watch this inspiring video here.

Another of the resources offered for today is this prayer:

As you hold in God’s presence the five people you are praying for, ask that they will know God’s abundant love for them, so that filled with gratitude, they may love God in return.

With gratitude for our lives together,



Day 3 - The God Who Speaks

Dear People of Saint John’s,

Today’s theme is “The God Who Speaks.” One of the ways God speaks to us is through icons. You are invited to watch a video from Archbishop Angaelos, Coptic Orthodox Archbishop of London, on today’s theme. He notes, “… when we are looking at the icons, we are not just looking at the person depicted in the icon; but, through him or her, into the person of Christ.” You can watch the video here.

Another of the resources offered for today is this prayer practice:

Find an icon of Jesus online, or pause the video at 1.46/47 minutes. Look at it for a while, and ask God to show you Jesus more clearly through it. Ask God to show Himself to your five people in the way that is most helpful for each of them.

With gratitude for our lives together,



Day 4 - The God Who Creates

Dear People of Saint John’s,

Today’s theme is “The God Who Creates.” Please watch this inspiring reflection from Reverend Chris Duffett. He is an artist who finds that for him, “painting and prayer are intertwined.” You can watch the video here.

A prayer practice offered for today is this:

Why not try drawing and/or writing your prayers for your five people? What is the Lord saying? What scriptures come to mind?

With gratitude for our lives together,



Day 5 - The God Who Gives

Dear People of Saint John’s

Today’s theme is “The God Who Gives.” Bishop Henry Raymond Bull offers a reflection on his transforming experience with God’s gift of love. You can watch it here.

A prayer practice offered for today is this:

Give thanks to God for all the good things you see in each of the five people you are praying for. If you sense God speaking with you as you pray, write down what He says.

With gratitude for our lives together,



Day 6 - The God Who Walks With Us

Dear People of Saint John’s,

Today’s theme is “The God Who Walks With Us.” I invite you to watch an inspiring film about the life of Reverend Dr. Florence Li Tim-Oi, the first woman to be ordained to the priesthood in the Anglican Communion, as we explore today’s theme. You can watch the video here.

A prayer practice offered for today is this:

Pause and Pray

As you walk through your local area, why not pray for your five people that they may encounter God in their own journeys?

With gratitude for our lives together,



Day 7 - The God Who Listens 

Dear People of Saint John's,

I have been greatly enjoying the lovely films from Thy Kingdom Come, which Jennifer Firth has so eloquently introduced since Ascension Day. They follow the theme "The God who Listens."  I find these sweet-spirited and informative films, drawn such a variety of church members and friends of the the Church, to be inspiring.

Indeed, I always enjoy participating in this international prayer effort led by the Church of England.  It connects me with the "mother church," and with voices beyond our shores. I choose my 5 people to pray for with care and love for them, hoping that they will find new life in Jesus Christ.

Today's film comes as we anticipate a youth-filled Pentecost Sunday.  Thomas Hart, Youth President of the Methodist Church in Britain, speaks about how children are not only the church of tomorrow, but the church here today, and so he listens to their voices today.  You can enjoy this film here.


Mtr. Judith



Day 8 - The God Who Saves

Dear People of Saint John's,

Today's lovely short film for Thy Kingdom Come is the personal testimony of Kemi Bamgbose.  She shares how she came to faith through the persistent prayer and witness of Tamala, her childhood best friend.  Tamala came to know God in her later teens, and with her radiant joy, encouraged Kemi move from cynicism to intimacy with God.  Kemi encourages us to persist in prayer for those whom we love.  The film is here.  Enjoy!

With joy in thinking of you,

Mtr. Judith



Day 9 -  The God Who Encourages & Challenges

Dear People of Saint John's,

Today's video features a couple of young adults reflecting together on their walk with God.  "Recently, I was messing up, being lazy, I felt like I was working for him, and that I was just not enough."  They speak about how difficult it is to believe that we are always met with his love and acceptance, his goodness, his real desire to help and encourage us; he is always for us, and for the people we are praying for.  This lovely video can be found here.  And then take a moment to know that you are surrounded and upheld by God, who really loves you and the people you love.

In him,

Mother Judith 



Day 10 - The God Who Empowers

Dear People of Saint John's, 

Today's film is 36 minutes long so I hope you can carve out some time today to enjoy it.  It is a conversation between The Way, a weekly broadcast anchored by two Gen Z Christians, Jesse and Zennia. Their guest is Canon Chris Russell, who is the Archbishop of Canterbury's Canon for Evangelism and Witness.  This rich conversation is about how the Holy Spirit works in us is.

It is so easy for us to fall into anxiety or fear or thinking that somehow we are supposed to do this Christian life on our own.  And yet the Spirit is with us, on our side, constantly calling us into connection with God.  How do we experience that? The full conversation can be found here.  

With gratitude for our life together,

Mtr. Judith 


Day 11 - Pentecost

Dear People of Saint John's, 

On this final day of the Church of England's Thy Kingdom Come prayer initiative, we hear from Jackie Pullinger, the famed missionary who arrived in Hong Kong as a young woman with $20 in her pocket and a desire to be used by God.  Here she reflects on what God has done in her ministry, and what God's call means for the rest of us.

Happy Pentecost!  I look forward to seeing you in church today, perhaps with a friend!


Mtr. Judith


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