The Shepherd's Storehouse Pantry

The Shepherd’s Storehouse Pantry, a ministry of St. John’s Church, is open the first Saturday of each month, 10:00 a.m.-noon, and by appointment. The fresh produce and eggs, staple foods, and basic household and toiletry supplies available on pantry day are provided by donations from our community, which having been blessed by God is always eager to share His provisions and His goodness.

The mission of The Shepherd’s Storehouse Pantry is to faithfully serve God by sharing food with those in need, welcoming strangers into our church, building friendships with our neighbors, and sharing the love of our Lord Jesus Christ.

The Pantry provides a limited number of personal care and cleaning items, donated by parishioners. To view the current shopping list, click here. Printed copies of this list are also available in the church narthex.

For more information about how the pantry can help you and your family—or how you and your family can help the pantry--contact Carol at